Rita Madore Scheib
Rita Madore was born on May 7, 1917 and was baptized on July 16, 1917 by Reverend Charles L. Sangermano at Holy Saviour Church in Norristown. She died on December 30, 1996. Rita was a fun loving person whose home was always open to any family member for a visit. She married Edward Scheib, who was born on December 22, 1909 and died in November, 1978. They had three children: Diane, George and Edward.
Scheib Family
Edward was the son of Lewis Scheib, a machinist, who was born around 1876 and was the son of German immigrants. They lived in Ridley Township, PA at 342 Maple Avenue. His mother's name was Frances and her parents were also from Germany. Frances was born around 1882. Lewis and Frances were married around 1900 and had several children:
Lewis, also a machinist, was born on July 2, 1902 and died in October, 1977. He married Marie, who was born on around 1925. They lived with the Schieb's for several years, and Marie worked at a local store as a cashier.
Bernie Scheib followed his calling early, working in the local greenhouse while a teenager. Bernie was born around 1912.
Vincent was born around 1917, Hank around 1919, and Helen Campbell around 1920.
Dominick Nave
1870- 06.07.1930
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Frances Nave
1870- 12.10.1948
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Mary Madore Piticco
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Rose Madore Campbell
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George Madore
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Catherine Melchiorre Nygard
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Helen Melchiorre Jackson
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Salvatore Melchiorre
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June DeSantis Fooks
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Esther DeSantis Jacobson
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Virginia DeSantis O'Donnell
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