Marie Anne Nygard
was born on October 15, 1916 in Newark, NJ. She was given away to either Joseph or Harold Nygard and was raised by her aunt, Mildred Nygard, who never married. She was very bitter about being abandoned and she never talked about her upbringing.
She attended nursing school in New York and after graduation she practiced as a baby nurse for wealthy clients. She met and was engaged to a man who was extremely wealthy (name unkown), and they partied at all the spots in the city. During this time, she took a position with the Siccardi family in Warren, New Jersey. Mr. Siccaradi owned part of the Yankees. Michael Kavka, whom Marie would later marry, also worked for the Siccardi family. Michael managed one of their movie theaters.
She broke her engagement and married Michael in 1938. They later managed a bar together. Sandy, Marie's daughter, tried to locate Carl V. Nygard and received a letter from the Iron Workers Local 361 in Queens Village, NY, confirming his membership # as 102244. Marie then asked Sandy to stop her research.
Marie died on November 22, 1980.
Joseph A. Nygard
8.22.1873- unk
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Anna Hendrickson
1869- unk
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Carl V. Nygard
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Ann Frances Nygard
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Carl Nygard
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John (Jack) Nygard
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Jimmy Rodgers
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